Friday, August 17, 2018

How many grams of carbs a day to lose fat and build muscles?

How many grams of carbs a day to lose fat and build muscles?       

Hey guys, this is your Nutrition Guru would like to thank for all of your love and support. Today we are going to discuss how many carbs a day we need to lose fat as well as building muscle. Many people asking me to tell about the daily carbs intake. So, today I’ll be covering both the category.

As we know carbs is one of the prime source of energy, as well as all carbs, have lot of fibres and as you know that the more fibres you have are good for your body but, if your body not able to digest more carbs, more energy then, in that case, it will be converted into fat. This thing you need to take care. I already told you in my previous post how much protein do you need in a day if you want to know about protein intake in a day please visit that. In this post, we only focus on carbs.  

Guys understand carbs are of two types
2. Simple Carbs

Complex Carbs
Complex Carbs are the one which digests slowly in your body and provides you energy for a longer period of time.

Simple Carbs
Simple carbs are the one which your body breaks it down fast and that energy is for a short period of time.

Let's come to our main topic                                              
Carbs intake for Muscle Building 
If you want to gain muscle mass so in that case your carbs intake should be 2g per pound body weight for example if your body weight is 180 lb. so you need to take 360g carbs in a day for muscle building, you have to consume more carbs for muscle building only that you are able to gain some mass. You can divide your carbs intake into 5-6 small meal which you suppose to have in a day.

Carbs intake for Fat Loss
If you want to lose body fat so in that case, your carbs intake should be 0.5g per pound body weight for example if your body weight is 180 lb. so you need to take 90g carbs in a day for fat loss, you have to consume fewer carbs for fat loss only that you are able to achieve your fat loss goal.

Good Source of Carbs
1. Oat Meal
2. Cereals
3. Whole-wheat Bread
4. Sweet Potato
5. Brown Rice

Oat Meal

I told you about oats that it is a complex carbohydrate which doesn’t spike your blood sugar. It is one of the best breakfast meal for you because it provides you energy the whole day.


You need whole grain cereals, don’t buy any regular cornflakes or stuff like that should get whole grain cereals. Always check the ingredients don’t look at whats on the packing, you have to check ingredients sometimes there is a lot of hidden thing in there like a lot of sugar so don’t buy that cereal which is high in sugar and sodium.

Whole Wheat Bread

I told you that you shouldn’t eat white bread because all the nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fibers, healthy fat etc your body need don't have these nutrients.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato is one of the best sources of slow digestive carbs.

·       You have to eat all the carbs which are slow digesting not fast.
·       Before and after exercise you can have any fast carbs because your body needs at that   time
·       If you don’t exercise or never workout then don’t eat any kind of simple carbs, eat complex carbs which stable your blood sugar.

Hope you find it useful. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. For more follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Get 6 pack Abs

Six pack abs workout plan

Welcome back guys, today I am going to discuss how you can get 6 pack abs as soon as possible. Abs become the primary choice of a youngster in today’s fitness scenario. Everyone talks about abs, everyone wants 6 packs abs but getting ripped is about sacrifices. Studies show 70% of your muscle building and body shape depend on your nutrition and 30 % depending on your workout. Abs muscle building needs a hard training several times per week. Nutrition is the first step, you should need to focus on your diet, and your calorie should be under control. Exercise and the correct form of exercise is the second step.

Top 5 exercise according to me which help you to get 6 pack abs in 4 week

1. Decline Sit-up’s

2. Reverse crunches

3. Hanging knee raises

4. Woodchopper

5. Lower body twist

All these exercises, you have to perform back to back without any rest then we will take 60 sec rest. In these exercises, we train our upper abs, lower abs, internal external oblique, and love handle together. Reps range will be 20-25 per exercise then move to next exercise.

Decline Sit-ups 

Let start with decline sit-ups. It will be performed on the decline bench, you have to do 20-25 reps. You don’t have to go all the way down, we will go half way down then come up, the reason is that we have to keep constant tension on the abs. Don’t take any break at the top or bottom so that we can burn the abs muscle. A lot of people do 100, 200 crunches but still, they don’t have abs because abs have a small range of motion, you don’t need to do too many reps. You just have to feel every single rep if you are not feeling it, then it won’t grow.  

Reverse Crunch

The second exercise is the reverse crunch for lower body here our upper body is in rest and lower body is active. Here we work on our lower abs muscle below the navel area, a lot of people have fat on it so you have to properly squeeze and contract the muscle. Make sure not to extend the spine and don’t lift it up, many people lift their hip a lot with that the stress on the lower back disc and also people have pain in lower back, people think its muscle pain but actually, it disc pain spine pain so don’t make that mistake. Your spine should be straight and use your hip to squeeze it, don’t extend and lift the hip from the pad.

Hanging Knee Raise

It is one of the effective and pretty advanced exercises. A lot of people won’t be able to do it because this is an advanced level exercise, try it if you can do it. If you do proper 10-15 reps then you will feel proud on you guys. So make sure you do it, this is your challenge you have to get out from your comfort zone.


It is one of the very important exercises for our oblique. The oblique function is to bend and rotate. In woodchopper don’t use that heavyweight and machine angle should be equal to the chest and stand little away from the machine so that you can stretch it better. You have to lock the spine and neck, only your torso move means your spine, head, and lower body should be locked only your frame on the spine should move.

Lower Body Twist

In our previous exercise, we rotate our upper body and lower body was locked. Now we are locking upper body and rotating the lower body. Place your hand on the floor as grip, press hand on the floor so that way your upper body won’t rotate. Here you will stretch your love handles and you will feel that extra mass on the love handle is stretching. With this exercise, you will easily trim your waistline. A lot of people have a big waist and have loss of mass on the bone so they can get rid of 10 inches fat from the exercise.

Note: If you want to get fast then you can add any one of these dietary supplements in your diet plan

1. l-carnitine
2. CLA 

                                                                Best Deal

  • Provides muscular energy by burning fat and helps maintain health
  • Supports aerobic energy metabolism during exercise
  • Essential to the process of proper fat metabolism support weight loss, & optimize energy utilization

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  • MusclePharm CLA 1000 High Potency, Natural Weight Loss Exercise Enhancement, Increase Lean Muscle Mass, Non-Stimulating, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO Conjugated Linoleic Acid From 100% Safflower Oil,180 count

Hope you find it useful. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. For more follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Friday, July 6, 2018

Fruits for Fat Loss

Top 3 fruits for Fat Loss

Welcome back guys, today your Nutrition Guru going to discuss top 3 fruits which you can add during fat loss. These 3 fruits help you to burn fat during your fat loss schedule. Guys understand fat loss and mass gain depend on your nutrition. Whenever you want to lose fat always remember your overall calories should be under control means your calories must be a deficit. If your calories in deficit, definitely your body drop the fat but only low calories will not going to help you to achieve your fitness goal, what you eat also important. your food should contain all the essential elements such as protein, carbs etc.

Top 3 fruits according to me which you can add in your diet during your fat loss.
2. Apple
3. Berries

Orange is one of the less expensive and easily available fruit all over the world. During the fat loss, you must add orange to your diet plan because it contains a lot of vitamin c and is also low in calories. During the fat loss, your body needs a lot of vitamin C so it is one of the great fruit which helps you to achieve your fat loss goal fast.on the other side vitamin C also good for your immune system, during fat loss your immune system should be strong otherwise you are not able to achieve your goal.

Apple in a day keeps a doctor away. Apple is one of the important and more powerful fruit during fat loss. It contains lots of fiber, ions, minerals which help you to balance your blood sugar level during fat loss.

Berries—blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries—are packed with polyphenols, powerful natural chemicals that can help you lose weight–and even stop fat from forming. In many research, researchers found that feeding mice three daily servings of these fat burning foods, decreased the formation of fat cells by up to 70- 75%.  

Note: For complete nutrition plan to lose weight read my fat loss post

Hope you find it useful. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. For more follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Complete Protein Foods

Top five sources of complete protein

Welcome back guys, I would like to thank you for all of your love and support. Most of the people asking me to tell the best source of protein. So, today your Nutrition Guru going to discuss top 5 complete sources of protein which help you to build muscle as well as achieve your fitness goal. As I discussed many times muscle building or any fitness goal depend on your nutrition intake. Studies show 70% of your muscle building and body shape depend on your nutrition and 30 % depending on your workout.

Top five sources of protein according to me

1. Fish
2. Chicken Breast
3. Egg white
4. Beans
5. Whey Protein

This is my top 5 pick, these are a common fitness meal for everybody, fitness model, fitness professional, bodybuilders, and athlete. Everyone eats these foods for protein source every day. So, fix your schedule and add these 5 protein foods in your diet.
Protein is not for only muscle building but also important for your immune system, your hair and your skin. Protein is an essential nutrient which your body needs it through food.

Fish is one of the lean sources of protein. It has omega 3, which is an essential fatty acid EFA’s (good for your health).

Chicken Breast
It is another complete source of protein. It has only 100% protein, zero fat, zero carbs.

Egg White
Egg white one of the effective and cheapest protein food. You know that whole egg has 5g of fat and 6g of protein. Remember don’t consume more than 2 whole egg in a day, but you can take 10-15 white egg in a day. It has a lot of amino acids. So, eat egg white and take the yolk out.  

I recommend three types of beans
·       Red Beans
·       Black Beans
·       Chickpeas

You know beans have protein but carbs are double means if the protein is 7g then carbs are 15g. So, this is not a lean protein. Lean protein is when carbs and fat are almost zero. Beans are not a lean protein because it has carbs, on the other side it also has a lot of fibers, which is important for the digestion and absorption you must need fibers.

Whey Protein
You know people who work out they should have whey protein, pick any U.S brand doesn’t really matter.

If you look at them, out of first 3 protein foods such as fish, chicken breast, and egg white are not for the vegetarian. No problem they can add soybeans but its intake should be low because soybeans have a lot of female hormones called Estrogen. You can also add black and yellow lentil as well.
If you are taking all 5 meal in a day, there is no way in the world that you are not building muscle. If you take 40g of protein from each meal, 5 serving, 5 meal in a day then you will get 2000g of protein which is really good to take that much protein to build muscle and achieve your fitness goal.  

Hope you find it useful. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. 

Monday, June 11, 2018

Lose Belly Fat

Lose Belly Fat

Belly Fat Loss – Nutrition Plan and Workout Tips

Welcome back guys, today your Nutrition Guru going to discuss how you can lose belly fat in 8-12 weeks. Most of the people asking me to share nutrition plan and workout tips to lose belly fat. Guys understand nothing is impossible, all your fitness goal depend on your nutrition intake. So on your demand today I am going to share new nutrition plan as well as some exercise which help you to achieve your fitness goal.


Use of oil, sugar, salt must be low if you want to lose belly fat. Oil, Sugar, and Salt are, your number 1 enemies. More you stay away from them more you get closer to your fitness goal. In this program, we are going to consume 6 small meal in a day.

 Nutrition Plan

Meal 1

Early Morning                       Empty Stomach
6-7 AM                                 1/2 liter Water
                                             2 bags green tea (1 cup water)

Meal 2

Breakfast                               Smoothie with egg white
8-9 AM                                  4 egg white
                                              ½ cup oats with non-fat milk
                                              1 Banana
                                              1 teaspoon chia seeds
                                              Small pinch of cinnamon powder

Meal 3

11-12 PM                               1 orange or 1apple
                                              1-2 slice whole wheat bread with raw peanut butter

Meal 4

2-3 PM                                     100g chicken/fish
                                                 ½ cup kidney beans/chickpeas
                                                 1 Roti or 2 slices whole wheat bread
                                                 1 bowl leafy vegetables
                                                 ½ lemon


Meal 5

Evening Snacks 
4-5 PM                                     2-3 oats biscuits + 1-2 fruits
                                                  1 small bowl oats meal


                                           Workout 6-7 PM                  

Meal 6

8-9 PM                                         repeat same as lunch
                                                    Chicken soup (Recommend)


·       You have to drink plenty of water throughout of the day and use only olive oil.
·       You can also add 2 bags green tea prior to each meal for a better result (recommend).
·       You can also add l-carnitine/CLA supplement (optional)


I recommend these four exercises for the belly/abs. These are the more effective exercise to reduce belly fat fast you can add them to your regular workout routine.

1.     Decline Sit-ups


 2. Reverse Crunch

          3. Hanging Knee Raise  


         4. Wood Chopper


  • Do all exercises without any rest

Hope you find useful this nutrition plan. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

How much protein do you need per day

How much protein do you need per day 

Hi guys, today your Nutrition Guru going to discuss how much protein you need a day to gain lean muscle and maintain muscle. Lots of people asking me many time please tell us daily protein intake to achieve our fitness goal. Many of the people don't know how much protein they need in a day.
Your nutrition should be perfect for the better physique. Guys understand here I am not talking only about whey protein, here I am talked about the protein nutrient. The best source of protein is chicken(breast), Egg white, Fish(tuna), Cottage cheese etc. and you can also add whey protein supplement but in which case it is more beneficial we will discuss later.

Let me categories the daily protein intake into four category

1. People don't work out.
2. People slightly active means who go to gym 3-4 times in a week. 
3. People who regularly workout.
4. People who are advanced. 

People don't work out

The first category covers all those people who don't work out. In this case, people need 0.5 g protein per pound in order to maintain their physique. For example, if your body weight is around 160 lb so in that case, your daily protein requirement should be 80 g. You can add 20-30 g protein in each meal you consume in a day and you can also divide protein intake as per your meal means if you are taking 3 meal in a day then your meal should contain 30 g protein.

People who are non-vegetarian it is easy to consume protein from various sources but who all are vegetarian find it little difficult.   

People slightly active means who go to gym 3-4 times in a week

The second category covers all those people who go to gym 3-4 times in a week. In this case, people need 0.8 g protein per pound in order to maintain their physique. For example, if your body weight is around 180 lb so in that case, your daily protein requirement should be 130 g. If you're taking 5 meal in a day then your all meal should have 20 - 25 g protein.

People who regularly workout

The third category covers all those people who go to the gym regularly. In this case, people need 1 g protein per pound in order to achieve your fitness goal. For example, if your body weight is around 180 lb so in that case your daily protein requirement should be 180 g. 

People who are advanced

The fourth category covers all those people who are advanced, who workout from last 5-10 years, whom muscles are matured. In this case, people can take 1.2 - 1.5  g protein per pound in order to achieve your fitness goal. For example, if your body weight is around 180 lb so in that case you can take 200 g - 250 g protein because your muscle is mature, have more mass so it easy for the muscle to absorb the protein.

Note- Try to consume protein as much as possible from food (approx 80% ) rest you can consume from protein supplement available in the market. Do not completely depend on the protein supplement. Good time to add protein supplement is when you are not able to consume protein from natural sources because of your busy schedule so in that case, you can add protein supplement after post workout for the better physique.

Hope you find useful my new post. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query.

What does breathing have to do with fitness?

A relationship between Breath and Fitness Hey Guys, Today your NutritionGuru going to talk about the relationship between Breath and F...