Sunday, July 29, 2018

Get 6 pack Abs

Six pack abs workout plan

Welcome back guys, today I am going to discuss how you can get 6 pack abs as soon as possible. Abs become the primary choice of a youngster in today’s fitness scenario. Everyone talks about abs, everyone wants 6 packs abs but getting ripped is about sacrifices. Studies show 70% of your muscle building and body shape depend on your nutrition and 30 % depending on your workout. Abs muscle building needs a hard training several times per week. Nutrition is the first step, you should need to focus on your diet, and your calorie should be under control. Exercise and the correct form of exercise is the second step.

Top 5 exercise according to me which help you to get 6 pack abs in 4 week

1. Decline Sit-up’s

2. Reverse crunches

3. Hanging knee raises

4. Woodchopper

5. Lower body twist

All these exercises, you have to perform back to back without any rest then we will take 60 sec rest. In these exercises, we train our upper abs, lower abs, internal external oblique, and love handle together. Reps range will be 20-25 per exercise then move to next exercise.

Decline Sit-ups 

Let start with decline sit-ups. It will be performed on the decline bench, you have to do 20-25 reps. You don’t have to go all the way down, we will go half way down then come up, the reason is that we have to keep constant tension on the abs. Don’t take any break at the top or bottom so that we can burn the abs muscle. A lot of people do 100, 200 crunches but still, they don’t have abs because abs have a small range of motion, you don’t need to do too many reps. You just have to feel every single rep if you are not feeling it, then it won’t grow.  

Reverse Crunch

The second exercise is the reverse crunch for lower body here our upper body is in rest and lower body is active. Here we work on our lower abs muscle below the navel area, a lot of people have fat on it so you have to properly squeeze and contract the muscle. Make sure not to extend the spine and don’t lift it up, many people lift their hip a lot with that the stress on the lower back disc and also people have pain in lower back, people think its muscle pain but actually, it disc pain spine pain so don’t make that mistake. Your spine should be straight and use your hip to squeeze it, don’t extend and lift the hip from the pad.

Hanging Knee Raise

It is one of the effective and pretty advanced exercises. A lot of people won’t be able to do it because this is an advanced level exercise, try it if you can do it. If you do proper 10-15 reps then you will feel proud on you guys. So make sure you do it, this is your challenge you have to get out from your comfort zone.


It is one of the very important exercises for our oblique. The oblique function is to bend and rotate. In woodchopper don’t use that heavyweight and machine angle should be equal to the chest and stand little away from the machine so that you can stretch it better. You have to lock the spine and neck, only your torso move means your spine, head, and lower body should be locked only your frame on the spine should move.

Lower Body Twist

In our previous exercise, we rotate our upper body and lower body was locked. Now we are locking upper body and rotating the lower body. Place your hand on the floor as grip, press hand on the floor so that way your upper body won’t rotate. Here you will stretch your love handles and you will feel that extra mass on the love handle is stretching. With this exercise, you will easily trim your waistline. A lot of people have a big waist and have loss of mass on the bone so they can get rid of 10 inches fat from the exercise.

Note: If you want to get fast then you can add any one of these dietary supplements in your diet plan

1. l-carnitine
2. CLA 

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Hope you find it useful. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. For more follow us on Facebook and Instagram.



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