Saturday, June 2, 2018

How much protein do you need per day

How much protein do you need per day 

Hi guys, today your Nutrition Guru going to discuss how much protein you need a day to gain lean muscle and maintain muscle. Lots of people asking me many time please tell us daily protein intake to achieve our fitness goal. Many of the people don't know how much protein they need in a day.
Your nutrition should be perfect for the better physique. Guys understand here I am not talking only about whey protein, here I am talked about the protein nutrient. The best source of protein is chicken(breast), Egg white, Fish(tuna), Cottage cheese etc. and you can also add whey protein supplement but in which case it is more beneficial we will discuss later.

Let me categories the daily protein intake into four category

1. People don't work out.
2. People slightly active means who go to gym 3-4 times in a week. 
3. People who regularly workout.
4. People who are advanced. 

People don't work out

The first category covers all those people who don't work out. In this case, people need 0.5 g protein per pound in order to maintain their physique. For example, if your body weight is around 160 lb so in that case, your daily protein requirement should be 80 g. You can add 20-30 g protein in each meal you consume in a day and you can also divide protein intake as per your meal means if you are taking 3 meal in a day then your meal should contain 30 g protein.

People who are non-vegetarian it is easy to consume protein from various sources but who all are vegetarian find it little difficult.   

People slightly active means who go to gym 3-4 times in a week

The second category covers all those people who go to gym 3-4 times in a week. In this case, people need 0.8 g protein per pound in order to maintain their physique. For example, if your body weight is around 180 lb so in that case, your daily protein requirement should be 130 g. If you're taking 5 meal in a day then your all meal should have 20 - 25 g protein.

People who regularly workout

The third category covers all those people who go to the gym regularly. In this case, people need 1 g protein per pound in order to achieve your fitness goal. For example, if your body weight is around 180 lb so in that case your daily protein requirement should be 180 g. 

People who are advanced

The fourth category covers all those people who are advanced, who workout from last 5-10 years, whom muscles are matured. In this case, people can take 1.2 - 1.5  g protein per pound in order to achieve your fitness goal. For example, if your body weight is around 180 lb so in that case you can take 200 g - 250 g protein because your muscle is mature, have more mass so it easy for the muscle to absorb the protein.

Note- Try to consume protein as much as possible from food (approx 80% ) rest you can consume from protein supplement available in the market. Do not completely depend on the protein supplement. Good time to add protein supplement is when you are not able to consume protein from natural sources because of your busy schedule so in that case, you can add protein supplement after post workout for the better physique.

Hope you find useful my new post. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Weight / Fat Loss Nutrition Plan

Weight / Fat Loss Nutrition Plan

Welcome back guys, First of all, your Nutrition Guru would like to thank you for all of your love and support. I am back with my new post as per your demand that how to lose weight and fat of our body. Most of the people asking me to share nutrition plan of fat and weight loss.
Guys understand nothing is impossible, all your fitness goal depend on your nutrition intake. If you want to lose weight just cut down your calories. As we discuss in my previous post that only weight training is not going to help you to achieve your goal. It is the combination of proper weight training as well as proper intake of nutrition. Studies show 70% of your muscle building and body shape depend on your nutrition and 30 % depend on your workout. Fat loss needs a hard training several times per week as well as your nutrition.
So today I am going to share Weight / Fat loss nutrition plan with you guys. In which we will drop our body fat and weight, as a result, you will look too fit.


It requires 3 weeks for you to see changes in your body. 

6 weeks for your family and friend. 

12 weeks for the entire world


In order to achieve your goal, you have to work on your calories, intake of protein, carbs, and fat.
Use of oil, sugar, salt must be low if you want to lose weight as well as fat from your body. Oil, Sugar, and Salt are your number 1 enemies. More you stay away from them more you get closer to your fitness goal.


Meal 1

Early Morning                      Empty Stomach
6-8 AM                                1/2 ltr Water
                                            2 bags of green tea (1 cup water)

Meal 2

9-11 AM                             4-6 egg white
                                           1 bowl cereal in skim milk + 1-2 fruit ( your choice)
                                           1 cup skim milk with 2-3 slices of whole wheat bread with
                                           peanut butter ( raw) or nutralite / Amul  lite butter

Meal 3

1-2 PM                              Green Tea 15-20 minutes prior (2 bags) / green tea extract 1 capsule
                                          Chicken / Fish / Paneer (roasted / boil)
                                          1/2 cup kidney beans/chickpeas / Yellow Dal
                                          1 chapati or 1 cup brown rice or brown bread
                                          1 bowl green salad

Meal 4

Evening Snacks  
4-6 Pm                              1 bowl oatmeal in double toned milk       
                                         1-2 fruits

                                          workout  6 PM to 8 PM   

Meal 5

7-9 PM                            Green Tea 15-20 minutes prior (2 bags) / green tea extract 1 capsule
                                         Repeat same as lunch
                                         Chicken soup
                                         Chicken oats

Meal 6

10-11:30 PM                 1 cup skim milk with cinnamon powder (pinch) and 15-20 crushed almonds

Note: You have to drink plenty of water throughout of the day.
          And use only olive oil.

Hope you find useful this nutrition plan. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. 


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Lean Muscle Gain Nutrition Plan

Lean Muscle Gain Nutrition Plan

Fitness become the important part of our life especially in today's competitive world in order to achieve our day to day goal as well as the long-term goal of our life. Similarly, muscle building also becomes the first choice of the youngster. Everybody wants to build six pack abs, biceps etc but the question is how it possible. Is the gym the only option?. No only weight training is not going to help you to achieve your goal. Lean muscle gain is the combination of proper weight training as well as proper intake of nutrition. Studies show 70% of your muscle building and body shape depend on your nutrition and 30 % depending on your workout. Muscle building needs a hard training several times per week as well as your nutrition.

Let's come on our topic how we can gain lean muscle. As we discussed everything depend on your nutrition plan whether you want to gain mass, maintain mass, gain lean muscle, lose weight. I am sharing with you a nutrition plan which helps you to achieve your goal to gain lean muscle with this nutrition plan you can notice result within 2-3 weeks. 


It requires 3 weeks for you to see changes in your body. 

6 weeks for your family and friend. 

12 weeks for the entire world


In order to achieve your goal, you have to work on your calories, intake of protein, carbs, and fat.
So if you want to gain lean muscle your nutrition should be like this

Calories - 3000
Protein   - 210 g
Carbs     - 350 g
Fat         - 65-70 g (Saturated fat)


Meal 1

Breakfast - Smoothie
                    240 ml milk / 1/2 cup curd 
                    1 spoon peanut butter
                    1/2  cup oats powder
                    1 Banana
                    full fist nuts

Meal 2

11- 12 pm    2-3 whole wheat bread
                    3-4 boil egg white
                    1 whole egg
                    1 apple
                    1 bowl green vegetables
                    1 spoon peanut butter ( optional)

Meal 3

2-3 pm        100 gm chicken / fish / beef / paneer (150-200 gm)
                   1/2 bowl yellow daal/kidney beans / white chickpeas
                   1/2-1 cup brown rice
                   1 bowl leafy vegetables
                   2-3 dates (optional)

Meal 4

4-5 pm       1 chicken / Paneer sandwich
                  1/2 cup oats
                  1 orange
                  some peanuts

                                                                work out 6 pm to 8 pm

Meal 5

8:30 - 9:30   same as lunch
                     chicken soup/oats

Note: You have to drink plenty of water throughout of the day.
          And for the better result, you can add 1 cup of green tea prior to each meal.

Hope you find useful this nutrition plan. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. 


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A relationship between Breath and Fitness Hey Guys, Today your NutritionGuru going to talk about the relationship between Breath and F...