Monday, January 21, 2019

What does breathing have to do with fitness?

A relationship between Breath and Fitness

Hey Guys, Today your NutritionGuru going to talk about the relationship between Breath and Fitness. Is breath really affect our fitness goal? let’s find it out.

Many of times we heard from our gym trainer or get the result on google that in order to get fit 70% is diet and 30% is exercise necessary, yeah is right but no one telling you what important role play by the breathing in it. If our breathing is not right during our workout so in we might be not able to achieve our fitness goal.
Believe me, when I started my workout I have done thousands of crunches, chest, shoulder presses etc as well as spend hours on treadmill still I am not able to get the result which I suppose to get because no one told me about the importance of breathing. So now you must be thinking what the fuck I am saying like we all breath while workout right?

So what I have seen people while exercising breathe through their mouth. Which is wrong for many reasons

  •        You expose your lungs to impurities.
  •        Imbalance concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. 
  • Arteries and Blood vessels that carry us in blood cells shrink and oxygen do not reach quickly throughout the body. In these manners, our brain no longer oxygenates as it should, as a result, we feel dizzy.

Too much logic right?

So how should we breathe?

Let me explain you guys, the correct way of breathing while doing any exercise:
  •       Inhale through your nose and keep your core tight as you lower the weight. Lowering the weight require less exertion which makes it an ideal time to inhale.
  •       Exhale through your mouth hard and keeping your stomach muscle contracted while you push the weight away.    

Believe me, guys if your breathing is right, you will definitely get the result much faster way. Breathing in a right manner also help to improve the blood flow in your muscles.

Hope you find it useful. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. For more follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Apple cider for fat/weight loss?

Is apple cider help to reduce fat/weight?

Hey guys, after a long time your Nutrition Guru comes with new post, today we are going to discuss the apple cider vinegar. Is apple cider vinegar really help to reduce the body fat/weight? And what are its benefits, how to use it and what other things we should keep in mind while the use of apple cider vinegar?
Apple cider is made from apples, sugar, and yeast. It made by crushing apple and squeezing out the liquid. Bacteria and yeast are added to the fluid to begin the alcoholic aging procedure, and the sugars are transformed into liquor. In a second fermentation process, the liquor is changed over into vinegar by acidic corrosive framing microbes.

Let’s come to our main topic, adding apple cider vinegar to your diet also help you lose weight?
Apple cider vinegar is loaded with 17 amino acids, vitamins like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus and minerals like B1, B6, and B12,” And research shows Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the effective supplement to lose body fat/weight. According to Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Bioscience journal study shows that drinking apple cider vinegar for few weeks help to reduce in body fat, abdominal fat, triglycerides, and waist circumference.

Apple cider vinegar has been used as a health tonic for thousands of years.
Research also shows it has many health benefits, such as lowering blood sugar levels, improve heart health. The vinegar contains malic acid which clears clogged arteries, lymph nodes, and organ tissues.

How Apple Cider work

Usually, we use apple cider before breakfast and after dinner, you can also add it after breakfast. It fills your stomach, as a result, you do not feel hungry ultimately your calorie intake goes down. As we know in weight loss your calories should in deficit stage, as a result, it help to reduce your body weight.
Let me make you one thing very clear apple cider cannot lead to fat loss/weight loss without making necessary changes to your diet and eating pattern. "Expecting that only drinking ACV would lead to weight loss without making diet or lifestyle changes is expecting magic from an otherwise useful tool. However, if you make the appropriate life and food changes, ACV is an effective supplementary food that aids digestion and metabolism."


In large amounts, apple cider vinegar can decrease the body's potassium levels, particularly when combined with certain medications. Very low potassium levels can weaken the bones.
If you take the heart medication digoxin, decreased potassium levels can increase the medication's side effects, including dizziness, confusion, and nausea.
Drinking large amounts of apple cider vinegar while taking insulin can decrease potassium levels in the body. Avoid taking ACV if you take insulin.
Diuretic medication, or "water pills," can decrease potassium levels on their own. Avoid using ACV if you take this medication.
Apple cider vinegar might lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Be sure to monitor your blood sugar levels closely if you are diabetic and use ACV. You may also need to adjust your dose of diabetes medication.

Hope you find it useful. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. For more follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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What does breathing have to do with fitness?

A relationship between Breath and Fitness Hey Guys, Today your NutritionGuru going to talk about the relationship between Breath and F...