Friday, August 17, 2018

How many grams of carbs a day to lose fat and build muscles?

How many grams of carbs a day to lose fat and build muscles?       

Hey guys, this is your Nutrition Guru would like to thank for all of your love and support. Today we are going to discuss how many carbs a day we need to lose fat as well as building muscle. Many people asking me to tell about the daily carbs intake. So, today I’ll be covering both the category.

As we know carbs is one of the prime source of energy, as well as all carbs, have lot of fibres and as you know that the more fibres you have are good for your body but, if your body not able to digest more carbs, more energy then, in that case, it will be converted into fat. This thing you need to take care. I already told you in my previous post how much protein do you need in a day if you want to know about protein intake in a day please visit that. In this post, we only focus on carbs.  

Guys understand carbs are of two types
2. Simple Carbs

Complex Carbs
Complex Carbs are the one which digests slowly in your body and provides you energy for a longer period of time.

Simple Carbs
Simple carbs are the one which your body breaks it down fast and that energy is for a short period of time.

Let's come to our main topic                                              
Carbs intake for Muscle Building 
If you want to gain muscle mass so in that case your carbs intake should be 2g per pound body weight for example if your body weight is 180 lb. so you need to take 360g carbs in a day for muscle building, you have to consume more carbs for muscle building only that you are able to gain some mass. You can divide your carbs intake into 5-6 small meal which you suppose to have in a day.

Carbs intake for Fat Loss
If you want to lose body fat so in that case, your carbs intake should be 0.5g per pound body weight for example if your body weight is 180 lb. so you need to take 90g carbs in a day for fat loss, you have to consume fewer carbs for fat loss only that you are able to achieve your fat loss goal.

Good Source of Carbs
1. Oat Meal
2. Cereals
3. Whole-wheat Bread
4. Sweet Potato
5. Brown Rice

Oat Meal

I told you about oats that it is a complex carbohydrate which doesn’t spike your blood sugar. It is one of the best breakfast meal for you because it provides you energy the whole day.


You need whole grain cereals, don’t buy any regular cornflakes or stuff like that should get whole grain cereals. Always check the ingredients don’t look at whats on the packing, you have to check ingredients sometimes there is a lot of hidden thing in there like a lot of sugar so don’t buy that cereal which is high in sugar and sodium.

Whole Wheat Bread

I told you that you shouldn’t eat white bread because all the nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fibers, healthy fat etc your body need don't have these nutrients.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato is one of the best sources of slow digestive carbs.

·       You have to eat all the carbs which are slow digesting not fast.
·       Before and after exercise you can have any fast carbs because your body needs at that   time
·       If you don’t exercise or never workout then don’t eat any kind of simple carbs, eat complex carbs which stable your blood sugar.

Hope you find it useful. If you like please comment, share and feel free to contact us for any query. For more follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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